The following is the provisional result of  candidates who have appeared for the
B.Tech. Degree VI Semester  Examination, May   2007  as 
finalised  by the concerned Board of Examiners.
Last date for receipt of application for scrutiny and revaluation is 06.11.2007 and 
12.11.2007 respectively.
Centre: College of Engineering, Perumon
Branch: Information Technology
2002 Admission
Register Marks scored  
Numbers 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 Total
10431600 - - - A A - - -
10431605 - - - - 77 - - 668
10431609 62 - - - A - - -
10431610 - - - A - - - -
10431616 - A A - - - - -
10431639 75 - - - A - - -
2001 Admission
Register Marks scored  
Numbers 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 Total
10421605 - - - - 54 - - -
10421616 - 49 A - A - - -
10421655 A - - A A - - -
Branch:  Computer Science And Engineering
2002 Admissions
Register Marks scored  
Numbers 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 Total
10231601 A - - - - - - -
10231615 - - - - 63 - - -
10231617 - - A - - - - -
10231637 - - 47 38 - - - -
10231641 A - A A A - - -
10231643 A - A A A - - -
2001 Admission
10221608 75 - - - 52 - - -
10221610 43 - - - - - - -
10221617 A - A - A - - -
10221638 A - A - A - - -
2000 Admission
10210718 - - 64 - 57 - - -
10210732 37 - - - - - - -
10210734 41 - - A A - - -
Branch: Electronics and Communication Engineering
2002 Admission
Register Marks scored  
Numbers 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 Total
10331601 81 - - - - - - 646
10331603 87 - - - - - - 669
10331616 78 A 42 - - - - -
10331617 82 - - - - - - 681
10331620 63 - - 77 - - - -
10331621 89 - - - 83 - - 667
10331623 47 - A 54 36 - - -
10331639 80 A - A - - - -
2000 Admission  
10310727 - - 55 - 29 - - -
Branch: Electrical & Electronics Engineering
2002 Admission
Register Marks scored  
Numbers 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 Total
10931602 26 - - 28 - - - -
10931607 A - A - - - - -
10931614 56 - 52 A A - - -
10931620 53 - - - - - - -
10931652 46 - A - - - - -
2001 Admission
10921600 79 - - - - - - 592
10921623 A - - - - - - -
10921644 37 68 45 46 51 - - -
2000 Admission
10910006 42 A A A A - - -
10910046 38 - - - - - - -
Note: 1. 'A' denotes Absent
2. Marks below  75  denotes failure in the subject.
University Office,
Kochi - 22
Dated:27.10.2007                          CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS